
This week is an opportunity.

It’s an opportunity to comfort ourselves away from the noise of our clamoring-for-attention society with good food and – mostly – good company.

But also, to pause. You don’t get many opportunities for that as a business owner – at least not without falling behind. Between the inflation crisis, rumors of supply chain woes, the upcoming holiday season, the stress that Q4 often brings with it… let’s just say, there are a lot of moving parts and a wide range of emotions connected to this time of year.

But it’s expected that you should pause this week, so let’s not miss it. In fact, maybe we can actually savor this moment by remembering to be thankful for REAL things in our lives — things, or people, that we can actually name… not just some abstract idea of “being thankful” that doesn’t hold any meaning in our daily lives.

No matter what you, your family or your business may be facing this year, no matter if the news portrays the world as spinning out of control, we can choose to live out of a place of gratitude. 

It sounds cliche, but it really does wonders for our hearts and minds.

So as we prepare to rest this week over here at TCG Accounting, we’re thinking about those concrete, real things that we have gratitude for. First among them are the amazing clients I get to work with. Somewhere along the journey, you chose to trust us with your business. 

That is no small choice, and we don’t take it lightly. 

Owning a business comes with so many risks — we know firsthand that exhilarating-but-nerve-wracking experience of going out “on your own.” We’re grateful for the friends and other business owners who helped us along the way. No one should go at it alone — especially when dealing with the murky waters of the IRS and the economy. 

That’s why we’re here. We hope we get to be a steady, reliable source for you. 

And that’s why we’re proud of what we’ve been able to create around here at TCG Accounting. We have our own story of the ambitious business owner hoping to pursue a dream. Now, we get to help people like you pursue YOUR dreams.

So before we gather with friends and family this week, we wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU for trusting us with your business and the honor of serving you year after year. It’s a joy.

What are some of those tangible things (or people) in your life that you find yourself grateful for? 

Feel free to reach out and let us know your thoughts. Let’s encourage each other this week, as we take some time to slow down and reflect. 


The TCG Accounting Team