
Tax Preparation Done Right

WARNING: IRS Audits Rapidly Increasing…
How Confident Are You That Your Return is Accurate?
Could You be Missing Potential Deductions?

10 million tax payers missed out on a chance to get a bigger refund last year simply because they neglected to fill out one line on their tax return. Will you miss a similar opportunity this year?

Today’s tax laws are increasingly complicated and the rules for deductions and credits change year by year. Are you aware of all the deductions and credits that might be available to you this year, even on the most basic of tax returns? Perhaps you feel secure in your do-it-yourself tax preparation software, but let’s face it… There is no substitute for an experienced tax professional who can answer your questions and ask you the questions that might be key to saving you tax dollars.

With our tax return services you get:


Assurance that your return has been checked and double-checked for mathematical accuracy and errors that are commonly flagged by the IRS, resulting in fewer chances for contact by the IRS.


Tips for better managing your payroll withholding so that you can have the advantage of greater income all year long, rather than loaning that money to the government and waiting for it to come back in the form of your yearly tax return.


A list of common deductions that may benefit you in the coming year, and tips for limiting your future tax liability.


Electronic filing for a quicker refund.

Whether you’re paying the business tax rate as a corporation, or your own tax rate as an S-Corporation, proprietorship or partnership, we’re here to help. Determining your income tax on top of the rest of your taxes shouldn’t fall on your shoulders, and that’s why you should leave it to the experts. Did you know all of our services include up to 15 hours of tax resolution services? If you get a pesky letter from the IRS, we’ll help you resolve it for no additional charge. Get in touch today.

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Ready to come in for an appointment?

Click here to schedule a time to meet with us. We will NOT make dealing with a tax professional as painful as it’s been in the past!